Dont you think that time fly so fast?! I mean its like maybe after 1 month! By the way GONG XI FA CAI!!! Wonder wat should i buy with my ang pao money! Magic the Gathering? XBOX 360 games? Books? Wat do u wanna buy with ur ang pao money? Leave a comment at the blabberbox and tell me wat do u wanna buy? Okay, lets change the topic now!
OK! I woke up at around 9.ooa.m. then i was like so blur tat i accidentally bang the door! LOL!
Then after i brush my teeth i have to eat the HORRIBLE CHEESE CAKE!!! Then i was like chit chating with my bro. Then around 9.15a.m. we changed our clothes and i brought my XBOX 360 there too, then we when off to my grandparents house. When i reach there, i watched my cousin playing a gamre called "World of Goo".
I was like so bored then i ask my father to help me fixed the Xbox 360 so tat i can play instead getting bored like a fucked up emo. I was playing Bioshock and it was kinda creepy because nobody is in the room with me! Then my cousins came! We ate so many food for lunch u know!
We played Call of Duty 4 and i won by using a dagger only! I got bored after several hours. I realised my brother was sleeping and i decided to do "something".
This is the "something" :


LOL! Luckily my brother didnt found out about it unless he read my blog la but i do know tat he doesnt read my blog. He is PRO in blogging u know he is way better than me on the layouts! Lets continue, after tat we ate dinner. Then we chit chat for a while then they came to my house!
I went to bath before i play with them. After that me and my cousin called Li Jiet played Left 4 Dead! Heres some snapshot of the game:

Killing Fucked up zombies
Suck my Cock!
After then i started blogging this and my cousins was playing naruto shippuden 2!

The girl on the left is my cool cousin, her name is Lim Hui Hui she is 15 years old. As u can see thats my doodoll beside my cousin knee, the white one with eyes and its called Cupido. The one on the right wearing the black and white shirt is my bro.
Ok the girl on the right is my another cousin called Lim Hui Leng. She is my cool cousin sister and tat makes her even cooler, but she is much more caring then her sister.
Then all of a sudden my cousins was playing aikido! Although it is funny but please dont do this at home...

The one with the white shirt is called Gan Li Jiet he is one of my best cousins i like. And the one with the black shirt is called Tong You Yi. Dont u think they look like ying yang in the picture.
After a few minutes my elder cousins went to cineleisure to watch Underworld: Rise of the Lycans. Then after that me and my cousin was playing Flatout: Ultimate Carnage and we were laughing like hell! Heres are some of the video me and my cousin Li Jiet.
#3 Concrete CRASH!!!
Actually at the last part of this video tat guy hit crash at the concrete
Ok and have a Happy Chinese Ox Year!